Mental health

Isn’t it funny…

Relationships are hard work no matter what is going on externally and internally. However, a relationship with someone who has BPD will be one of the most challenging but rewarding that you ever find yourself in. We are pretty messed up in the head, we have triggers that send our minds into a whirlwind of emotions that are so hard to control, but when we feel things, they are on a much higher level which means we have so much more to give. I’m not just talking about romantic relationships, I’m talking about all of them, those with family, friends and even yourself.

Right now, I can honestly say, I am at a stage in my life where I don’t see a future with any guy right now. There is not one person that I am prepared to give my heart too, because I have become so paranoid that they’re either lying, using me or going to break my heart and I don’t want that. I don’t want something temporary, so I don’t want anything. Too many people have left my life for me to trust anyone else not to do the same. Too many people have lied and used me for me to even consider letting another person close enough to hurt me. The wall is up, and I don’t see it coming down any time soon.

I am learning my triggers, because apparently I have way more than I originally thought. And there is so much my future partner would need to know before I even considered it. Which means, that it’s going to take a lot of hard work and I don’t see anyone being able to handle it. And to be honest, I’m okay with that right now.

I know that being ignored is probably one of the biggest triggers I have. It brings me back to a place where the people that weren’t supposed to, ignored me to the point I was second guessing how they really felt. I felt like I was going to be abandoned and now, anytime I get ignored, it takes me back to a place I don’t want to be. Yes, I understand people are busy, but it takes two seconds to send a message saying that, and they will reply as soon as they can. It’s simple reassurance that helps when I’m like it.

I have attachment issues and abandonment issues. I know this, which is why I refuse to get attached to anyone I believe isn’t going to be in my life in a few months to a year. I don’t trust people easily because too many people have let me down in my life and every time it starts to go that way, I spot the signs and it brings me down. I can notice the changes quicker than most, and when I start to believe they’re real intentions, I start to cut myself off to prevent myself from getting hurt.

I have a major fear of being alone, so I have put up with so much crap, and feeling like I deserved it. I didn’t. And I am finally starting to realise my real worth. I am more than this mental health problem, I am more than the Addison’s that can’t make up it’s bloody mind. I am more than you gave me credit for. I don’t believe that I deserve the crap anymore, so I refuse to settle. I refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies every time I see their face, hear their voice or see their name pop up in my phone.

The truth is, when I am in a relationship with someone, yes there are so many things that I fight on a regular basis, but they truly get all of me. I give my heart, and I end up putting myself second. I put my all into it, which is why I get so scared that I’m going to get hurt. Because once I put all I can in, there is nothing left to give. I love too much and it drives people away.

I wish my mind wasn’t disrupted by trauma. I wish that I didn’t have so many negative thoughts of my childhood. Of feelings like I wasn’t important enough to the people that should have took care of me. Feelings of believing I was only good for a few things and nothing else about me mattered. I have memories of wishing that I was anywhere than at home. I suffered with emotional neglect, and a sense of withdrawal. I had to go through many of my days knowing that I wasn’t a priority. And growing up, I believed I never mattered to anyone. Not really.

I have spent more of my life around my friends, than I have my family because despite my family being really close, my brothers were the priority. My mum pushed me more than anyone else, and she says it because I’m more headstrong than the others but I had to grow up quicker than the average child. I had to realise what I could and couldn’t say. I had to carry secrets for people that were supposed to protect me from getting hurt.

I was abused at 13. I ended up believing that I was damaged goods because of it. That I didn’t deserve love and a relationship. So for many years, I refused to let anyone get close and when I did get into relationships, I gave them what they wanted because what I wanted never mattered before so why would it matter now? I let people have my body that never deserved it but I believed that I wasn’t worth anything else. I let people do what they wanted because I didn’t matter to myself. I knew that my body could get me all the attention I wanted but it was the wrong attention and it took me to be diagnosed with BPD that I realised that I could understand why.

I developed an eating disorder at 13 that I still have today. I would eat and then force myself to be sick. Too many people told me I was fat despite never being bigger than a size 8. My family were all skinny rakes and I was often referred to as the fatty of the family. I’m pretty sure most of my family had anorexia, so for me, to have meat on my bones, an ass and tits that weren’t exactly easy to hide was hard. I wanted to be like them. My elder sister was a size 2-4, and I remember wanting her body because she never got called fat. I would force myself to be sick so much that eventually I stopped needing to force myself and my body would do it automatically. Even now, I still fight with my weight and it’s so much worse when I’m pregnant because I get fat even though its baby weight but I don’t see that. It’s one of the reasons I hate pregnancy.

I was abandoned by a parent at 14. They left and moved away to different part of the country and despite telling me they’d always be there, they wasn’t. For many months, I didn’t know whether they were alive or dead. They gave their new number to their ex but not their children. Their ex even refused to give their number to us, and it felt like they just didn’t care enough to let us know. They made me believe that if I wasn’t important to a parent, I wasn’t important to anyone.

At 15, I was addicted to weed and loved getting drunk. I was spiralling out of control. I stopped doing well at school, got into trouble and didn’t care about anything because it had no meaning. My life had no meaning. I was engaging in risky behaviour because so many people had made me believe I didn’t deserve the best. I would pick fights and arguments because I was hurting so much that I wanted other people to hurt as well. I couldn’t cope with my head and I treated so many people like shit because of it. Believe me, I am sorry for that.

I contemplated suicide at 16. I attempted suicide at 25. I couldn’t live with myself knowing that I would never mean anything and that the world would be better off without me. I was ready to leave this world. I was ready to just give up. I had enough. I couldn’t stand feeling like I never really mattered. There are days where I still end up believing so little of myself but I am still here fighting, even when I really don’t want too.

Now, I am slowly starting to love the person I am. She’s one tough cookie. She has been hurt, she has been broken and she has been completely disregarded. She has been left, she has been lost but she is still standing. I am starting to see my worth. And I do believe that I am worth more than I have ever given credit for. I am strong. I am stubborn. I am a mother who adores her daughter more than she will ever know. I have overcome abuse, neglect, depression and still got up to face the world. I have been beaten so many times that it never stopped me from getting back up. And now I am finally starting to stand up for myself again.

I am finally starting to gain my confidence back. I am slowly finding myself in the mirror. I’m getting back to the person I should be. The one who believes in true love and magic. The one that wishes on stars. The one that had her childhood stolen but took it back in her twenties. I’m the girl who gets to be a child with her daughter whilst still understanding that I am an adult. But who wants to grow up? It’s disappointing. I mean I own Mickey Mouse trainers, and love a good Disney marathon.

So to the people who want to give up, don’t! Your life will change for the better. Yes, it’s going to take years and a lot of self discovery. But it’s a journey that will benefit you in the long run. There are people out there who love you even when you don’t love yourself. I have a long way to go before I’m in the best place, but I am still learning and I am so much better than the person who has wanted to end it all. I am so much stronger than I have been in the past. And I am finally embracing the person I am. Life does get better and it’s so worth it.

I’m finally back to writing. My blog has a few posts lined up and I am starting to enjoy writing again. I have even continued on my novel and that has been on the shelf for way too long. So I know I am heading in the right direction. And I can’t wait to be the person I know I will. So hopefully I’ll be back to posting regularly.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. It has taken about 12 drafts to finally beat my writers block. And I am over the moon that I have got my writing mojo back. As always, if you need to reach me, you can find all blog related stuff on my social media, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I hope that you are all having a great day wherever you are in the world and don’t forget that your smile means more to people than you realise. Wear it with pride.

Mumma Life!

What being a mother to a daughter has taught me so far…

It’s funny. I’ve been a female for 27 years and yet somehow my daughter is still finding ways to teach me. Each and every day, I am learning more about being a parent but also about myself as a person.

For those of you who don’t know, I am the mother to a three year old little lady who has a bigger attitude than you can possibly imagine, who has more sass than she has vocabulary and who brightens each and every day. She carries the biggest smile along with a huge heart and cuddles that are my entire world.

I look at my daughter and I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to hurt her, to break her little heart and make her world crumble. In my eyes, she will always deserve the very best. She deserves to know true friendship and real love. She deserves to have a family that adores her and a happy home. And I am honestly dreading the day her world comes crashing down because of friendship or a guy and I ended up thinking about what I want for her.

Why is it that I have such high expectations for how she is treated yet I have so low standards for myself? I think about how little confidence I have in myself and how badly I allow myself to be treated for many different reasons. When did I become someone I didn’t want my daughter to be? How can I teach her to love herself when I can’t? How can I encourage her to believe in herself when I’m showing her how little I believe in me? Why am I setting her future bar so low? Why do I allow myself to feel horrible and guilty about myself and who I am, when I want her to love herself more than anything on this planet?

I can’t. I can’t allow my daughter to grow up and have my standards! She deserves so much better than the life I chose for myself. I think back to how I’ve been treated by people who claimed to love me and I seriously hope that she never has to experience anything close to the shit hands I got dealt. I think about how I look in the mirror and the person who looks back, repulses me. If I could, I’d have so many things differently, but I can’t change my past. I can however aspire to be the woman that sets Luna’s bar so high that she gets the best.

I think about how she’s going to have moments that define her life, I think about how my mother handled mine and through her mistakes, I will ensure that Luna won’t become a victim to it. My daughter has beautiful curly blondish brown hair, she has my big brown eyes and a smile that gives people the impression that butter wouldn’t melt… it doesn’t but it does bloody sizzle. I want her to be strong enough that she can survive everything, not because she has no other choice but because she was brought up to take the world by it’s horns. I want her to be stubborn enough to not settle. Not in love, not in friendships and certainly not in her dreams. I want her to know that anything is possible in this life, for as long as she truly believes in it. I want her to believe in magic and fairies. I want her to experience finding her soul mate, not in a guy but in a best friend that will never leave her side. I want her to experience everything she possibly can but for her to believe in that world, I need to show her that world.

I refuse to settle anymore. I want to achieve my dream of writing a novel and I’m slowly getting there. I want to love myself as much as I want Luna to love herself. I want to want as much from myself as I want Luna to get from her. I want to be the reason she doesn’t let any person take anything from her. I want to be the role model I wish I had. And that starts with looking at my own troubles and facing them. It means raising my standards and not settling for anything less. It means walking away from the negative and doubtful and pushing for the positive and better. I don’t want to have Luna become me because I stopped putting myself above crap.

My daughter has taught me more about being a better woman than she has about parenting. Don’t get me wrong, parenting is hard and none of us get it right, but being her role model is something I am determined to get right. I started with picking one hell of a guy to be her father, one that like me, will never give up on her, that will continue to want the best for her and will support her each and every day. For someone who usually has bad taste in men, he is one that I definitely got right. I know that even on the hardest days of being a parent, they are so worth it because I am raising someone worthy of diamonds! I know what unconditional love is because even when I have to deal with my attitude coming out of a three year old, I still love her and would do absolutely everything for her. And I intend to start now. I intend to show her that healthy relationships exist. That happiness can be found everywhere if you know where to look. I intend to show her that self care is the best thing you can ever do for yourself!

To my one and only, my promise to you is to be better, to be stronger, to be happier, to be less like a doormat. I promise to find something about myself that is positive each and every day. I promise to love myself like I love you. I promise to hold myself to higher standards. I promise to never let a guy break me again. I promise that you will be my motivation everyday to be the role model you deserve. I promise to be there for myself like I intend to be there for you and I promise to take more time focusing on myself and less on those that don’t deserve it. But lastly, I promise that there will never be a day that you don’t feel like your worthy of everything because you are. I love you Luna!

Thank you to everyone who has read today’s blog post. I have recently been spending more time taking care of myself and less time focusing on what doesn’t matter and I realised that I needed to get some things off my chest, to act as my reminder that in my daughters eyes, I deserve better. Thank you for your support, remember, if you want to get in touch or keep up to date on any blog related posts, such as sneak peaks into topics or just have some things on your mind and you need someone to talk to, find me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. I hope wherever you are in the world, you’re smiling because there is nothing else like it.

Give Thanks!

Goals for my blog 2020!

This year I decided to set out goals for my blog in a post so I can track my progress and it gives me something concrete that I can work towards.

  1. My first goal is wanting to reach 50 people on my Facebook page. My last one was on 92, and I can no longer gain access to that page. So, if you can go on there and give it a like, share it if you feel like you connect with it.
  2. I want to beat my current record of 94 views in one day. I am hoping that by blogging more and connecting with the right people that I will be able to smash this one by the summer.
  3. I want to smash my current yearly total of 1819 views. By creating more content, I am confident that it will be achievable.
  4. Let’s see if we can reach 1000 visitors in a year too.
  5. I want to blog more than just every now and then! I am hoping to have a new piece coming out every day but only time will tell if I can stick to that or not.
  6. I currently 78 followers directly connected to my blog and I am so incredibly proud of that but let’s see if we can top 100 within the new year.

I am so incredibly proud of how far my blog has come and I have worked so hard on making sure that I’m as honest and truthful about my journey because you never know who out there might relate to it and use my words to help get them through their tough days. Sometimes it helps to know we aren’t alone in the things we are going through.

My blog may not contain the worlds best writing but a lot of what I write, has either affected me on a personal level or I’m using my blog to make sense of the world that we all live in. All the support that I do receive, means so much to me. I’ve had some people I know quite well start blogs because of mine, I’ve had people message me saying that I’ve helped them and that’s part of the reason I started this. I love writing and there is nothing easier than to write what you know or what you feel. I’ve been using my blog as a coping mechanism as I know others have been too. So, I want to make sure that I am putting in the level of effort that it deserves.

Thank you! Thank you for your continued support and for helping me get where I am today! My blog wouldn’t be as successful as it is and even though its not the biggest one out there, that doesn’t matter because it’s not a competition. You can get in touch and let me know anything! I love to hear from you all! You can hit me up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Email! I hope that wherever you are reading this from, you are happy and healthy, living a life you’re proud of. Just remember to keep smiling.

Who am I?

Where I want to be…

Last year, I went through some pretty hard moments. I was living somewhere that was affecting my mental health daily, it was overcrowded and full of animosity. This year, I have my own flat with my little princess and I’m working hard to make sure it’s a loving home for her.

Since we moved into the flat, I’ve seen her come on leaps and bounds. She exceeds all my expectations and proves just how smart she really is. I mean, it’s not like I really have much to compare it too but still. Before we moved here, she didn’t really have to do much, she was a few months away from being two and we were still doing pretty much everything for her. Now, she knows where the bin is, she puts her toys away and helps me tidy up, she’s learning to count but her favourite activity is finding her figures when I’ve asked her for a specific one. She will wake up in the morning and play in her room until half 7 when we go in the living room and watch Sing before she has her breakfast. The best thing we ever did was move out of the house.

I have come a long way too. Okay, so I still have a problem with self-harm when my emotions get too much, but I am learning to talk about them more. I feel more confident in myself most days and don’t always feel down in the dumps. I have come a long way from the person I was last year, but I am still so far from where I want to be. I want to be kicking my mental health’s ass, I want to be eating like a normal person and not worried so much about my weight gain. This year, I want to live for the moment and stay away from the past. It has controlled so much of my life already; I want to move on from it. This year, I want to stop the self-harm that controls me. I want to be able to look my daughter in the face and feel like the strong woman she needs.

I come from a broken home, and I didn’t want that for my daughter. I wanted her to not have to worry about having two homes, having to split her time between two parents, with two parents fighting for her love. I wanted her to be able to have her parents together but that didn’t happen. But I also didn’t want a Christmas baby yet that’s exactly how my life panned out. And I wouldn’t change it for the life of me. I however will make sure that she has two parents that love her and continue to put her first. Yes, she has two homes, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing, if she is as loved at one as she is the other. That’s the main thing.

The girl that started last year no longer exists. She was unhappy with nearly every aspect of her life. She had friends but that didn’t help overcome the mental exhaustion she was facing daily. I had people in my life that had slagged my daughter off behind my back but was nice as pie to my face. I had people pretending to care, and those people were some of my close friends. Last year consisted of way too many lies that I believed but also some very high moments.

I finally got on stage and tried stand-up, which I want to do again this year. I managed to work up the courage to leave an unhappy relationship and build a new life for myself. I got closer to some awesome people and those affected my life in ways that I could never repay. I have so much more to be thankful for, but this year is going to be different. I’m not going to settle for less than I deserve. I’m going to find happiness within myself and the life I already live. I’m going to embrace more possibilities and not live my life in fear. I want to live for the moment and build myself up to the girl I used too be. She lives in me somewhere; I just want to find her again.

I thought by now I’d be in my forever job, instead I’m signed off because I’m mentally and physically exhausted. I feel like I have no future, but the truth is, I do. I am trying my hardest to be the mum my little lady deserves and if I always continue to put her first then I’m doing the right thing. She is and will always be my forever job. Who knows, maybe in the future, someone will come and join our little family but for now it’s just me and my little princess and that’s enough for me.

What about you? Where do you see yourself going over this year? How far have you come? Are you on track to where you want to be in your life? Nobody said you had to have your life in order, but sometimes reflection is a good thing. It makes you evaluate your life and change your course of action if need be. I hope that you are all happy and content with the path that your life is taking, if not, just simply change direction. Thank you for taking the time to read my latest post and remember you can always get in touch via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email. Have a good day and keep smiling.

Monthly Update!


As written previously, I have decided to put more time and effort into my blog and that’s covering everything from a revamp of the landing page which I will go into a bit later in the post as well as making an exciting schedule of blog posts lined up for you. I want to be more consistent and cover more topics within my writing and show a bit more into the rollercoaster that is my life. 

Two years ago this month, I wrote my first proper piece; Addison’s Disease and me. That one post was probably one of my most viewed pieces of work until a few months ago and I have come a long way since then. I have changed in personality; I became a mother and I managed to beat the disease that I had -more information regarding that will be coming in a future post… I promise, I won’t make you wait too long.- I also moved back to Essex and stopped studying a degree. Because of two amazing years writing sporadically and not really understanding my blog, I have taken the time to change it. To make it more current and worth visiting. You readers take time out of your busy days to read what I’ve written, so I want to show that it is worth it.

Starting off the updates with a better use of colours and pictures throughout my blog. Each month, I will be writing a post like this, to give you a rough insight into what is coming up and what posts are cannot miss! You’ll notice certain themes building such as my choice of using birthstones to represent my monthly updates. I thought there was no better way to represent each month with its own official stone as found on H Samuels Website and use them as a starting point. Originally, birthstones weren’t so much to do with birth, more so to do with the different months. Apparently wearing said gemstones during that month is supposed to enhance the characteristics. So, for August, we have Peridot which doesn’t have a lot of folklore attached to it but it’s still pretty and ‘is said to attract love and quieten feelings of anger, as well as soothing nerves and warding off negative emotions.’ If you have any of these gems laying around the house, this month would be the perfect time to add them to your wardrobe. 

This is my first month where I will be dedicated to bringing out content every other day at 8PM (I think it’s GMT, but I fail at geography and time zones… it’s a weakness.) We have some posts that will be more frequent like ‘Mumma Life’ and ‘Mental Health’ and some that will only appear once a month like ‘An Open Letter’ and ‘This or That’. All because I want to give you guys more of a reason to want to read what I write. Towards the end of July, I was thankful to have one of my favourite singers, an International award-winning singer/songwriter agree to be my first ‘Interview with an Inspiration’. I will let out more details about that in the days to come with the piece hopefully making its way out for the 13th of this month! Are you excited? I know I am. Make sure you are following me on social media because it’s a piece I am really looking forward to writing and I get to interview someone who’s music has been in my playlist for years. 

I want my readers to get to know me a little better because I am a lot more than my mental health and being a mum. I’m more than just a sister and an aunt. And considering many of you read every post I write, I figured it would be a way for you to understand who I am! I wrote a few months ago that I wanted to bring back the colour and I intend to do so. I want my blog to be a place where you can escape for a few minutes whilst you read what I write. I want you readers to be involved with posts inspired by you guys every month! Because I wouldn’t have an audience to write for if it wasn’t for you. So, I want you to have your say!

Within the next month I am looking at upgrading my package with WordPress which means putting in more hours and more dedication. I will have my own domain and much more ability to have my blog the way I want! So, you never know, you might look at my blog for two posts in three days and the website have changed dramatically. But it keeps things exciting.

Thank you for reading about what’s coming to you in August! I couldn’t do this without you guys and I truly appreciate it. If you head over to various platforms such as Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, I hope that wherever you are in the world, you’re happy and healthy and you keep smiling. Ferrari.


It’s that time again…

If any of you follow me on my forms of social media, you would have seen that I posted a poll a few days ago regarding an update on my blog. I got about 7 votes with 4 for status update and 3 for a new post. So as I sat there, writing my update for you guys, I realised that the post would have been too long for a status so a blog post it is!

Firstly, I want to thank each and every person that visits my blog. For the last year, I have had an average of 120+ people visiting it each month and that makes me so proud! I cant believe that people all over the world are reading what I have to say. That is just incredible and figured it was about time for a major overhaul!

  • I want to write more. I feel like so many of you take the time to read what I write, even though sometimes, I feel like its just a load of words thrown together, you guys still support me and because of it, I want to give you more content! I have written up a plan with a blog post coming every other day of next month as a trial!
  • I want to increase engagement. Next month, I have a couple of post ideas that would be brilliant with the help of my amazing followers on my social media! Whether its facebook, twitter or insta, I want my readers to be able to engage more and help me create better content that you readers actually want to read!
  • Setting new targets. My original target for my blog was to get 50 followers and I am two away! That is incredible and I am so thankful to every single person that has signed up to read what a 25 year old from a small town in England thinks and feels. I surpassed my target for my facebook page of 50 followers and I am currently sitting at 76. I smashed that target and gained over 20 followers in one day and I am thankful to those that shared my page. You are helping my out more than you know. I wouldn’t be able to write, if I didn’t feel like what I say matters.
  • Interviews! I want to get out and meet more people that have impacted my life and helped me in ways that I can’t explain. I want my readers to see how and why these people continue to inspire me, each and every day! I want to engage with more of my followers and have their say in things that are affecting them.
  • A Podcast. It’s in the early stages, but I am proud to announce that me and my niece will be teaming up on a new venture together. It will be coming out in the new year, with more details to come as we get closer to the dates we have set. We have always been extremely close, not only in age but our bond is greater than just that of an aunt and niece, and we can’t wait to share it with you. If you’re on twitter, get following @ShitsGiggsPod for updates and news relating to it! We are hoping to roll out
  • Design! I have looking at different apps to try and give my blog more of a professional feel to it, with feature photos, better editing, and an attempt at planning my posts with more research.

Over the next few months, I will be rolling out some changes and trying to make my blog more of a personal touch. I am also looking into going private and paying for my own domain which gives me so many more options as well as the chance to start making my blog more of me and not a robot. I want to expand and I hope that all of you amazing people will be with me on the next parts to my journey. I want to thank those that have reached out to me because my blog has helped them personally or helped explain to others what it’s like. I have such a big heart that I love hearing from you guys and you can always message me. Whether its about mental health issues or you need a distraction, you can always reach out to me without fear or judgment.

I want to do my bit to bring a light to issues. I want to help people that aren’t okay right now but I also want to share my journey with you because it helps to know you are not alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out, whether its facebook “openupwithmeblog”, twitter – @Openupwithme or Insta @OpenUpWithMe. What do you think of my blog? What do you think I should work on? What is an issue or topic that is close to your heart? I want to hear from you! As always, thank you for reading and I hope no matter where you are in the world, that you find a reason to smile. Ferrari.💞