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Goals for my blog 2020!

This year I decided to set out goals for my blog in a post so I can track my progress and it gives me something concrete that I can work towards.

  1. My first goal is wanting to reach 50 people on my Facebook page. My last one was on 92, and I can no longer gain access to that page. So, if you can go on there and give it a like, share it if you feel like you connect with it.
  2. I want to beat my current record of 94 views in one day. I am hoping that by blogging more and connecting with the right people that I will be able to smash this one by the summer.
  3. I want to smash my current yearly total of 1819 views. By creating more content, I am confident that it will be achievable.
  4. Let’s see if we can reach 1000 visitors in a year too.
  5. I want to blog more than just every now and then! I am hoping to have a new piece coming out every day but only time will tell if I can stick to that or not.
  6. I currently 78 followers directly connected to my blog and I am so incredibly proud of that but let’s see if we can top 100 within the new year.

I am so incredibly proud of how far my blog has come and I have worked so hard on making sure that I’m as honest and truthful about my journey because you never know who out there might relate to it and use my words to help get them through their tough days. Sometimes it helps to know we aren’t alone in the things we are going through.

My blog may not contain the worlds best writing but a lot of what I write, has either affected me on a personal level or I’m using my blog to make sense of the world that we all live in. All the support that I do receive, means so much to me. I’ve had some people I know quite well start blogs because of mine, I’ve had people message me saying that I’ve helped them and that’s part of the reason I started this. I love writing and there is nothing easier than to write what you know or what you feel. I’ve been using my blog as a coping mechanism as I know others have been too. So, I want to make sure that I am putting in the level of effort that it deserves.

Thank you! Thank you for your continued support and for helping me get where I am today! My blog wouldn’t be as successful as it is and even though its not the biggest one out there, that doesn’t matter because it’s not a competition. You can get in touch and let me know anything! I love to hear from you all! You can hit me up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Email! I hope that wherever you are reading this from, you are happy and healthy, living a life you’re proud of. Just remember to keep smiling.