Monthly Update!

And I’m back!

The last time I wrote on my blog, was back in January and my goodness how so much has changed! It feels so strange to be writing this because for the longest time so far, I honestly thought I was going to give up with my blog. I had preparations to cancel my subscription and everything. However, as you can see, that isn’t the case.

Back in January, I had planned out every day of the month, with having posts scheduled so I wasn’t rushing to complete them after Luna was in bed, so I’m going to try my hardest to actually complete a month at least.

So what’s new? I mean everyone is pretty much stuck in quarantine, which can I just add is boring as it could possibly be. But it’s all for the best. If this is the way to limit exsposure then I am all for it, even if I do feel like I’m going to go crazy! Luna spends a week with me and then I have to let her go to her dads for a week as we are all trapped in houses. The good thing being that she still gets to spend time with her father as that was one of my biggest concerns.

Coming this month, I have a fair few posts lined up! I am trying to aim for a post a day, but every other time I have set a plan, I haven’t stuck to it, but this time I really am going to try. I’ve got lists like top ten Disney Films, ten songs I can’t live without and ten quotes I always try to live by. I’ve got a weekly update on being a first time mum as well as finding the words to express my mental health during these uncertain times. Also my open letter this month is to the world during this pandemic.

If all that sounds interesting, make sure to check out my blog every day for a new post. I aim to get them posted at 8PM British time, but if I haven’t pulled my finger out and got them scheduled, it would all depend on getting little lady to sleep and finishing off the posts. You can keep updated via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Make sure you are all staying well and healthy, and more than ever, keep your smile!


It’s that time again…

If any of you follow me on my forms of social media, you would have seen that I posted a poll a few days ago regarding an update on my blog. I got about 7 votes with 4 for status update and 3 for a new post. So as I sat there, writing my update for you guys, I realised that the post would have been too long for a status so a blog post it is!

Firstly, I want to thank each and every person that visits my blog. For the last year, I have had an average of 120+ people visiting it each month and that makes me so proud! I cant believe that people all over the world are reading what I have to say. That is just incredible and figured it was about time for a major overhaul!

  • I want to write more. I feel like so many of you take the time to read what I write, even though sometimes, I feel like its just a load of words thrown together, you guys still support me and because of it, I want to give you more content! I have written up a plan with a blog post coming every other day of next month as a trial!
  • I want to increase engagement. Next month, I have a couple of post ideas that would be brilliant with the help of my amazing followers on my social media! Whether its facebook, twitter or insta, I want my readers to be able to engage more and help me create better content that you readers actually want to read!
  • Setting new targets. My original target for my blog was to get 50 followers and I am two away! That is incredible and I am so thankful to every single person that has signed up to read what a 25 year old from a small town in England thinks and feels. I surpassed my target for my facebook page of 50 followers and I am currently sitting at 76. I smashed that target and gained over 20 followers in one day and I am thankful to those that shared my page. You are helping my out more than you know. I wouldn’t be able to write, if I didn’t feel like what I say matters.
  • Interviews! I want to get out and meet more people that have impacted my life and helped me in ways that I can’t explain. I want my readers to see how and why these people continue to inspire me, each and every day! I want to engage with more of my followers and have their say in things that are affecting them.
  • A Podcast. It’s in the early stages, but I am proud to announce that me and my niece will be teaming up on a new venture together. It will be coming out in the new year, with more details to come as we get closer to the dates we have set. We have always been extremely close, not only in age but our bond is greater than just that of an aunt and niece, and we can’t wait to share it with you. If you’re on twitter, get following @ShitsGiggsPod for updates and news relating to it! We are hoping to roll out
  • Design! I have looking at different apps to try and give my blog more of a professional feel to it, with feature photos, better editing, and an attempt at planning my posts with more research.

Over the next few months, I will be rolling out some changes and trying to make my blog more of a personal touch. I am also looking into going private and paying for my own domain which gives me so many more options as well as the chance to start making my blog more of me and not a robot. I want to expand and I hope that all of you amazing people will be with me on the next parts to my journey. I want to thank those that have reached out to me because my blog has helped them personally or helped explain to others what it’s like. I have such a big heart that I love hearing from you guys and you can always message me. Whether its about mental health issues or you need a distraction, you can always reach out to me without fear or judgment.

I want to do my bit to bring a light to issues. I want to help people that aren’t okay right now but I also want to share my journey with you because it helps to know you are not alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out, whether its facebook “openupwithmeblog”, twitter – @Openupwithme or Insta @OpenUpWithMe. What do you think of my blog? What do you think I should work on? What is an issue or topic that is close to your heart? I want to hear from you! As always, thank you for reading and I hope no matter where you are in the world, that you find a reason to smile. Ferrari.💞